Join us in HEALING ourselves and Making Magic Mainstream! 💖

Welcome to Lightworkers Lifeline, where we are on a mission to "Make Magic Mainstream" by helping you remember and embrace your divine gifts. As a conscious business dedicated to the New Earth paradigm, we create assessments, books, classes, newsletters, support groups, and a wholesome community for Lightworkers to help them create and nurture a magical future for humanity.

Experienced and Loving Guidance

Access an unparalleled range of wisdom and expertise from Lia. 🌍✨

Safe and Supportive Community

Connect with like-minded individuals and grow together as powerful lightworkers. ❤️

Scientific and Intuitive Learning

Discover a unique approach that nurtures both the analytical mind and the intuitive soul💡🔮

Discover & Embrace Your Path

At Lightworkers Lifeline, we understand the unique challenges and joys that come with being a sensitive individual. Our program is designed to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love.

Along the way, discover power that you didn’t suspect was within YOU.

Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts

Embrace the transformative journey of deepening your connection and tuning into the intricate sensory signals within your body. Discover extraordinary abilities by immersing yourself in heightened awarenesses. Consider this your call to dive deep within your Self . . . where new possibilities are waiting to be uncovered.

Connect and Grow

Our vibrant and welcoming community of like-minded souls will be your sanctuary. Share your experiences with others who understand, gain clarity, build confidence, and create lasting connections with fellow lightworkers.

Unleash Your True Potential

The Lightworker Remembership is more than a subscription — it's a transformational journey to empower you to shine your light brightly and embrace your spiritual destiny.

Your Journey Starts Here👇


Beginner, budget & busy friendly  Remembership:

👥 Weekly support groups to unmask and accept your truth

🌈 Spiritual tools to cleanse, protect, and ground your energy

🔮 Ascension updates and guidance on working with energy

💬 Safe and supportive community to connect, love, and grow


All the benefits of Your Healing Haven Remembership, PLUS:

🎓 Weekly education to understand and own your spiritual gifts.

🪴 Exclusive 1:1 coaching sessions for personalized guidance

🌀 Advanced workshops to deepen your spiritual power and practice

🎃 Additional bonuses to empower you to achieve your goals

Step into the Reality You Deserve as a Precious, Honored, and Recognized Lightworker with ease and love.

In a world awakening to its spiritual potential, your unique gifts as a Lightworker are not just valuable — they're essential.

Lightworker Remembership invites you to step into the reality you deserve. Discover the power of your inner light, nurture your spiritual talents, and join a community that recognizes your worth.

It's time to embrace your role as a Precious, Honored, and Recognized Lightworker and create a reality that resonates with your soul's purpose.

We're all on a journey of growth and transformation, and having a beginner's mindset, staying open, and welcoming new knowledge and skills are essential prerequisites for personal development.

Embracing the fact that we all start as novices is key. 

Here are some ways Lightworker Remembership will simplify your transition to a magical life —

🚀 Freedom from Complex Spiritual Practices

Say goodbye to the confusion of intricate spiritual rituals.

🍀 Effortless Journey, No Tedious Techniques

Experience a journey that doesn't involve tiresome methods.

🙌 Choose Your Path of Self-Discovery

There are no wrong answers on this path; it's all about self-exploration.

🪞 Celebrate Your Authentic Self

No need to pretend or wear masks—you're welcome just as you are.

🍄 Be Yourself, No Need to Conform

You don't have to play small or big. You are enough.

🧿 Thrive in a Judgment-Free Zone

You won't face judgment for being different; we celebrate diversity.

💯 Always Trust Your Process

Take a deep breath . . .
you are exactly where you need to be . . .
precisely at the right time . . .
and We Honor YOU.

🦋 For only $33 / month

Discover the magic of the BUTTERFLY Remembership Plan, designed to support your spiritual journey with —

🌟 Weekly Support Group + Q&A

Join our monthly support group, a haven filled with connection, wisdom, and solace for you to draw from while navigating your unique challenges and concerns.

🌟 Monthly Channeled Guidance 

Start each month with deep insights into the energies and lessons that lie ahead. In these LIVE sessions, you are welcome to participate and ask for clarity.

🌟 Monthly Email Newsletter

Nourish your mind and soul with our high-vibrational newsletter, filled with ascension guidance, wisdom, and inspiration.

🌟 Private Community

Become part of a loving, accepting, and compassionate community dedicated to uplifting and empowering one another on this profound journey. Connect with your kindred spirits and watch your magic multiply.

🌟 Exclusive Discounts

Enjoy additional 5% OFF on our standalone classes, workshops, 1:1 programs, and official merchandise.

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Why Upgrade to ❤️‍🔥 PHOENIX Remembership?

  • Unlock the Science of Energy: Delve deep into the scientific foundation of human energy interaction. Explore lesser-known bodily systems or organs that facilitate our innate connection with energy, aligning with the natural evolution of our abilities.

  • Master Your Energy Centers: Gain profound insights into your body's energy centers and their functions. Develop a clear and intuitive understanding of the sensations that energy produces as you engage with it, whether receiving, transmitting, alchemizing, or expanding.

  • Decode Energetic Language: Explore the intricate language of energy communication, from synchronicities and numerology to sacred geometry and the Earth's heartbeat. Become skilled at deciphering messages from the Cosmos, your spiritual guides, and Mother Earth herself.

  • Forge Your Future in the World of Energy Work: Explore a diverse spectrum of energy workers, each possessing distinct abilities and methodologies. Uncover your individual energy template, allowing you to effortlessly harness energy to manifest your deepest desires. Leverage this profound knowledge to craft a holistic career or business blueprint that not only honors but amplifies your exceptional gifts, unveiling a world of exhilarating opportunities.

❤️‍🔥 For only $222 / month

You'll receive everything included in the YOUR HEALING HAVEN Plan, and the following —

🌟 LIVE Training Modules

Our weekly training modules are your guide to reading and interpreting the energies you encounter. Learn to channel your energy for healing, manifestation, setting boundaries, and dispelling darkness. Plus, receive personalized guidance to unveil your unique path and destiny.

🌟 Real-Time Group Discussions

Engage in meaningful discussions during our weekly Zoom sessions, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. Share your insights, ask questions, and gain clarity as a supportive group.

🌟 Complimentary Workshops

These BONUS workshops are carefully curated to complement the training modules! We will have guest teachers sharing their expertise.

    🌟 Monthly 1:1 Private Coaching

    Receive personalized guidance with a monthly 1-hour private session with Lia to empower your ascension journey.

    🌟 Quarterly Healing Moon Circles

    Review your growth, release what's holding you back, and expand your lightworker gifts through guided rituals and meditations.

    🌟 Exclusive Bonuses

    As a PHOENIX member, you'll receive these inspiring bonuses:

    📚  A physical copy of Lia's booksfor members who stay with the paid program for 3 months or more.

    💰 Additional 10% OFF on standalone classes, workshops, 1:1 programs, and official merchandise.

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      Always Choose What's BEST for You!

      Services / Features



      Weekly Support Group + Q&A

      Weekly Channeled Guidance

      Monthly Email Newsletter

      Weekly Training (Zoom Class)

      - with integration/ Discussion Sessions

      - Exercises & Simple DIY practices


      Complimentary Workshops & Guest Lectures


      Monthly 1-hour Private Coaching with Lia


      FREE copy of one of Lia's books


      Quarterly Healing Moon Circles

      ADD ON 

      @ $22/session

      Private Community

      🎉 Special OFFER 🎁

      Purchase 3-month PHOENIX Remembership subscription by May 9th, 2024 and get yourself a copy of one of these books:

      📕 a FREE copy of The Ascension Guide: Practical Advice for Lightworkers

      📗 a FREE copy of Connecting The Dots: Ancient Wisdom Modern Science

      📘 a FREE copy of Lightworker Archetypes: Honoring Our Sensitivities & Remembering Our Gifts

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      Purchase 6-month PHOENIX Remembership subscription by May 9th, 2024 and get yourself ALL three books!

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      Join the Lightworker Revolution!

      Are you ready to embrace your spiritual gifts, connect with your inner light, and be part of a community that understands and supports you? Choose your membership and become part of the Lightworkers Lifeline family.

      ❤️ Nurture Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

      Embrace a journey of self-discovery that fosters loving awareness and self-acceptance.

      🔍 Discover Your Inner Resonance

      Uncover what truly resonates with your soul.

      💎 Listen to Your Inner Calling and Unveil Your Path

      Learn to tune in and hear your unique calling, guiding you towards your authentic path.

      🔐 Unlock Your Power through Choices

      Realize that your power lies in the choices you make; every decision is an opportunity for growth.

      🔮 Become a Student of Energy Healing

      Develop expertise in the realm of energy "medicine" and healing practices.

      🤝 Reconnect and Co-Create with Your Soul Families

      Experience the profound connection of reuniting and co-creating with your soul families.

      👁️ Deepen Your Bond with Spirit

      Cultivate a profound and meaningful connection with the spiritual realm.

      🌍 Tap into Gaia's Profound Wisdom and Connection

      Discover your inherent connection to the Earth and harness her boundless wisdom.

      Start Your Transformation Today!

      Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your true potential and embrace your lightworker gifts. Choose your membership and join the Lightworkers Lifeline family.

      A-Z Guide for Working With Energy & Stepping Into Your Power

      📚 The Ascension Guide: Practical Advice for Lightworkers introduces the reader to the important aspects of exploring energy, spirituality, and related gifts. It's particularly helpful for those who are beginning to identify their gifts. Many people with energetic gifts do not know they have them or understand how to use them without negative side effects.

      We identify 18 self-care modalities ranging from energetic cleansing to grounding, to protection, and explain why they are important. We illustrate how to incorporate surrender, trust, and gratitude on this challenging journey to manifest the life you desire. We talk about different ways to meditate that do not involve struggling to empty our minds or sit still.

      Finally, the book illustrates how our individual path and healing contribute to the ascension of humanity. This is an invitation to energy workers (healers, psychics, mystics, shamans, and others) around the world to come together and support each other in alignment with the New Earth lifestyle.

      Readers from all walks of life have been deeply moved and inspired by The Ascension Guide: Practical Advice for Lightworkers and have honored us with over 10 amazing reviews on Amazon with an average rating of 4.8. 🌟📖

      Here's what they're saying:

      These heartfelt testimonials reflect the transformative power of The Ascension Guide: Practical Advice for Lightworkers in helping individuals embrace their spiritual gifts, navigate their unique paths and contribute to the collective ascension of humanity. Now, you can experience this profound wisdom firsthand by joining our Lightworker Remembership Programs.

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      Have Questions?

      Check out our FAQ section here 👇

      The Lightworker Remembership program helps you discover what your gifts are and thus, enables you to protect and work with the open energy centers that your gift operates through. It enables you to consciously guide your experience of using your gifts to ensure you are creating what you truly want. Hence, you can heal yourself and break out of painful patterns of - (1) Being vulnerable to manipulation (2) Feeling insecure, anxious or even terrified (3) Having trouble making decisions and second guessing them. (4) Experiencing low self-esteem (5) Having trouble sleeping (6) Difficulty with digestion (7) Attracting the wrong people (8) Being drawn to situations that aren’t in alignment with your highest good (9) Self-medicating in an unbalanced or dysfunctional way (10) Struggling with depression, mood swings, or addictions like overeating, and other symptoms of spiritual sensitivity.

      The Lightworker Remembership Program is a transformative subscription offering comprehensive resources, training, and a supportive community for sensitive individuals. Upon subscription, you gain access to exclusive content, training modules, community forums, and other benefits designed to help you unlock your spiritual potential.

      Our program combines scientific insights with intuitive learning, providing a unique blend of knowledge and practices. We focus on simplicity, making spiritual concepts accessible, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals for shared growth.

      The training modules cover a range of topics, from uncovering your unique psychic gifts to using them for healing and manifestation. Our content is designed to be easily digestible, empowering you to integrate spiritual practices into your daily life.

      As a member, you join a private community of fellow Lightworkers. Engage in discussions, share experiences, and receive support from a community that understands and uplifts. It's a space to connect, learn, and grow together.

      We do not offer refunds. However, you may cancel anytime!

      For more inquiries and information, reach out to us at
      We're here to guide you on your path to spiritual mastery.